- Bachelor of Science in Biological Science, University of Guelph
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, Western University
- Learn Play Thrive Approach to Autism
- Certified BrainFx Administrator
- Vision 101 for School-Based Occupational Therapy Practitioners
- Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
Patricia has always had an interest in pursuing a career that involved working with the pediatric population. Her first exposure to occupational therapy was during her time volunteering at a rehabilitation centre. Occupational therapy spoke to Patricia due to its ability to be a part of someone's journey and help individuals overcome their barriers to participate in meaningful activities.
Patricia works with pediatric clients of all ages. Her special interests are working with children on improving their success in school settings, emotional regulation, picky eating, sensory processing challenges, developmental delays, and ADLs. She enjoys working with children in a way that disguises therapy as creative activities and creating a connection. To gain the child's trust, she uses a strengths-based approach and the child's interests during the sessions. She prides herself in making sure the kids are having fun while meeting their goals for them to be successful, whether it's at home, school, or any other community setting.
I love doing hand-lettering and calligraphy when I have the time.
Rapunzel from Tangled. I love how she is determined to meet a goal and overcomes this huge barrier of the unknown. Also, she isn’t afraid and ready to defend herself.