- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology,University of Western Ontario
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Western Ontario
As an Occupational Therapist, working in pediatrics is fun, playful, creative, diverse, holistic, challenging, and very special to Dayna. Supporting children therapeutically by identifying, celebrating, and utilizing unique strengths and abilities, targeting individual needs and challenges, and setting kids up for the utmost future successes feels like the most rewarding career she could ever dream of.
Dayna works with pediatric clients of all ages and abilities with a special interest and qualifications in neuroscience based self-regulation techniques for children with anxiety, sensory, learning, and behavioural challenges and ADHD; sensory integration; trauma informed therapies; developmental delay and milestones; feeding challenges; reflex integration; sound-based therapies; a strengths-based approach to autism (Learn Play Thrive); traumatic brain injury and concussion management; pain management; and mental health and wellness approaches.
Pippi Longstocking
Swimming in the warm clear deep blue ocean