Compression Garments & Theratogs
If your child has a neuromuscular or orthopedic condition, you may be interested in learning more about specialized garments that can be used to improve their movement and function. Two common types of garments used in pediatric physiotherapy are compression garments and Theratogs.
Compression garments are tight-fitting garments that provide graduated compression to specific areas of the body. They can improve circulation, reduce swelling, and support muscles and joints. In pediatric physiotherapy, compression garments are often used to help improve posture and alignment in children with cerebral palsy or other neurological conditions.
Theratogs, on the other hand, are a type of therapeutic garment that combines compression, tension, and alignment to improve movement patterns and function. They are used to address a range of issues, such as poor posture, scoliosis, and gait abnormalities. In pediatric physiotherapy, Theratogs can be used to facilitate motor learning and improve functional movement patterns in children with various conditions.
Both compression garments and Theratogs are custom-fitted to the child's individual needs and are often used with other physiotherapy treatments, such as exercises and manual therapy. Our team of pediatric physiotherapists can work with you and your child to determine if specialized garments are suitable for their treatment plan.
In a nutshell