Maram Naqawa
Rehab Assistant


Maram is currently a fourth-year student in the Human Kinetics program at the University of Ottawa, and she’s also minoring in Psychology. Her journey began back when she was just a teenager. She spent her time volunteering with various organizations, spreading her love for teaching kids and watching them thrive.

For the past year, Maram's focus has been on working with children on the spectrum. In this role, she not only supported them but also learned a ton from these incredible kids. This experience has fueled her passion for making a positive impact on the lives of others through play and learning, especially in the field of Occupational Therapy. Maram strongly believes that every child is unique in their own way. Her goal is to leave a positive change in the lives of others.

Fun Facts About me
What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite animal?


What is your favourite activity to do when you’re not working?

Spending time with friends and family

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